
SHF does projects that are long-term and sustainable at the community level

This means that upon completion of projects, community members are equipped with all of the tools and knowledge required for them to manage and maintain the new facilities without input from SHF.

All aspects of SHF’s projects are designed and implemented with long-term sustainability in mind. For example, only locally-accessible and low-cost technologies are used so to ensure that operational and maintenance requirements for the new facilities are easily adopted by beneficiary communities.

A key activity to enhance sustainability of a new water supply and sanitation services is the formation and training of Water and Sanitation Management Committees in each community. Community members are asked to identify individuals—both men and women—to be trained in operational and financial management of the facilities. In order to pay for the on-going operation and maintenance needs, such as spare parts, SHF also help communities to establish small user fee systems.

In instances where the repair and maintenance needs of the facilities are beyond the community’s capacity, service arrangements are made with local government departments.

The fight against poverty begins here. With access to clean water, basic sanitation, improved healthcare services and hygiene education, the cycle of poverty and disease can be broken – making way for dramatic improvements in:-

  • General health

  • Education

  • Gender equality

  • Reduction in Poverty

  • Maternal and Child health

  • Economic Growth